What is Fan CRM Search?

This guide will give you an overview of how to navigate and effectively use the Fan CRM Search tool to get more out of your fan data.

Our partners rely on the Fan CRM Search to help them achieve their goals and answer questions around:

  1. Segmentation, Targeting & Advertising to Relevant Leads
  2. Analysis, Forecasting Future Fan Behaviour & Uncovering Insights
  3. Reporting (For internal teams and Sponsors)

There are endless ways to reveal the information that you are looking for in Search. The Fan CRM Search helps you action on all the data that the Fan CRM holds and organizes. This is where you go to pull out the exact information that you're looking for about your fans. 

From the Manage Centre, begin by clicking Search under the Fan CRM section. 

Begin your search by applying a few parameters. Get a detailed profile view of a single fan if you know their name or email, search by your already created filters or cast a wide net and and narrow down your audience by using parameters


Focus in on one parameter or stack multiple to get even more specific. Hit Search at the bottom when you're satisfied or continue to narrow your search by populating more fields.


There are two buttons at the bottom left that will generate results, depending on what you're after. Hitting Search will give you a very comprehensive look at your fans while Estimate Fan Count will give you just the  high-level numbers on your fans for quick reporting. 



Estimate Fan Count:

Export Log: Where you can see all previous CSV exports & keep track of who exported and when


Filters are the bread & butter of FanCRM search. At their core, they are saved searches that help you organize fans into audiences that you can then analyze and/or target for your communications and promotions. Filters are created by using one - or stacking many - of the FanCRM Search parameters.


Note: Filters are dynamic which means that new (or existing) fans who satisfy the set filter parameters will automatically fall in/out of filters as their behaviour changes.

To learn more about filters, check out this guide here. 


Like its namesake, a snapshot is your way to save a clear “picture” of stats from a filter you have created for that moment in time. Snapshots can be used to compare the same filter but at two different periods, or to analyze the overlap between different filters at the same time.


Example Use-Case: They are an excellent way to provide value to a sponsor by showing fan data before your event or contest and then compare it to a snapshot from after your event or contest.

To learn more about snapshots, check out this guide here


Tags are a powerful tool for segmenting your fans & customers into audiences for future retargeting. Essentially, they're a very efficient "sticky note" that helps you keep track of what your fans are doing, so you can understand their habits, motivations and interests.


Example Use-Case: Search by tags to understand exactly which fans entered your sponsor campaigns so that you can effectively report on the ‘fruit’ of your relationship.

To learn more about tags, check out this guide here


As marketers, we usually understand “audience” in the context of “consumers that likely want your product or service.” FanCRM is built off the premise of identifying subgroups within your target audience to deliver more tailored messaging for stronger connections. With Search, you can create audiences based on search parameters that you can then push directly to our “Market Smarter” section. 

What's the Difference Between an Audience & a Filter? An audience is what you push externally to your associated ad networks, while a filter stays within the Tradable Bits Platform. You can create an audience from a filter (or multiple filters) to target your desired segment on Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.


Search Continued

Fan Rating: A rating that categorizes your fans based on their activity level, connectivity, influence and profitability for your brand (i.e. are they likely to purchase year-over-year). Your 5-star fans are your most engaged fanbase, while 1-star fans tend to be un-engaged or fans new to your network. Fan ratings appear on individual fan profiles and you can also use a specific fan rating as a search parameter under Fan Metrics. For example, you could look up all your 5 star fans to uncover your most engaged base or look up your 2-3 star fans to reveal an audience you want to connect with. 

Example Use Case: Fan Rating can be used when creating audiences for ads to create a great “lookalike” base audience. 

Gender + Min & Max Age: Use these fields to narrow down your search based on gender or age. Specify an age range by setting both a minimum and maximum age. Age is primarily determined through purchases or campaign participation. Please note that Tradable Bits will not store the information of fans under the age of 13.




Networks: These are the Social Authentication networks that your fans use when entering one of your campaigns. This section helps you narrow down the “where your fans are” so you can reach them appropriately. Each Social Auth network can also give you some valuable information about your fans. For example, when a fan authenticates with Facebook, our system will pick up on affinity data around likes and follows.




Inclusion & Exclusion Snapshots: These two fields let you select from a list of your created snapshots, and give you the ability to “include” or “exclude” these fans from your search parameter.

Example Use-Case: Let’s say that you had an irregular “landmark” campaign where fans outside of your target market were the main participants. You can create a snapshot of just these fans, and then in your search parameters exclude them from your results, to reduce “contaminated” data.


Location Fields (Countries, State/Provinces, Metro Areas, Cities, Postal Codes/Zips): Use these fields to narrow down your search based on location. You can enter 1 or multiple options for each location field to target your fanbase appropriately. Example Use-Case: Narrowing search by zip-code is a great way to find which fans will be interested (& able to attend) certain events.

Note: Metro Area includes fans that fall within a certain radius of a larger city. For example, the metro area of Vancouver would include fans living in places like West Vancouver.




Limit Values: This drop-down allows you to narrow your search based on certain “yes or no” values, and is most useful for segmenting based on subscribed fans or unsubscribed fans. You can also narrow your search based on fans that are phone subscribed, have a phone number or have a birthdate recorded in their profiles.

Our search now supports separated positive and negative limit values. Think of Limit Values Positive as searching for your "yes" or "have/are" fans while Limit Values Negative lets you focus your search on your "no" or "do not have/are not" fans. 




These search parameters are tied to your fans’ interest in certain idols (i.e. brands, artists, celebrities & influencers that you track within the Tradable Bits ecosystem). The interest displayed by your fans is what we term “Affinity”.

Affinity is recorded for a fan when they:

  • Explicitly state their interest in an idol during an engagement campaign (i.e. personalized playlist, yay/nay, lineup predictor, etc.

  • Display interest in these idols on Social Auth networks like Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  • Purchase tickets/merch associated with these idols.

To narrow down your search parameters by Affinity, choose specific idols and/or a label of idols that you have curated.

Idols: Search for the fans that show affinity towards specific idols by choosing one or more idols in this field. The query for idols in this field is an “OR” query. Therefore if you search for “Aminé and “Kehlani” your search results will expand to include fans that show an affinity towards either artist.

Labels: Choose from a dropdown menu of all your existing labels to find fans that show an affinity towards any idol in that label. If you include both a specific idol in your “idols” field and a label in the “labels field” the search is based on an OR query. I.e. It will return an expansive list of fans that show affinity towards your specific idol OR the idols in your label.

Add Related Artists: Toggle this on if you would like to include fans of Idols that are considered related by Spotify, broadening your audience size.

Once you have filled in all desired search fields, click Analyze to see your estimated audience size from your query, and to get a breakdown of how many of your fans show an affinity for each idol.

For more information on idols and affinity tracking, check out this guide here.  


These search parameters are tied to your fans’ interactions with your campaigns

Days Recently Active/ Days Recently Inactive: Use this field to filter out fans based on their most recent behaviour & interaction with your campaigns. For example, if you enter “20” into days recently inactive, all of your fans that have not touched a single campaign of yours within 20 days will show up.
Example Use-Case: To uncover the fans that may be falling through your engagement funnel

Active Within: If you want to narrow down your search to see how many fans have engaged with you during a specific period of time - use this field. You can set a start and end date, and search all fan campaign participation within that period.

Campaigns Participated in: This field allows you to narrow down your search to fans that have participated in specific campaigns. Use the drop-down to choose between all of your existing campaigns. If you select more than one campaign, please note that the search is based on an OR query.
Example Use-Case: Choose all of your co-branded sponsor campaigns to report on entries & the types of fans that have shown interest in your partnership.

Business Interacted With: This field allows you to narrow down your search to fans that have interacted with specific “businesses” within your account. Choose which businesses you would like to include in your search from the drop-down menu.
Example Use-Case: If you break down your overarching account into regional “businesses” (i.e. Tradable Bits Fest Canada vs Tradable Bits Fest Australia) you can use this field to separate fan activity by business.


These search parameters are tied to the interactions of your fans with your Tradable Bits Trackers

What’s a Tradable Bits Tracker?
Tradable Bits Trackers are your way to track every step of the fan journey - essentially they’re shortened URLs on steroids. To learn more about trackers, please read “Trackers: Set Up & Best Practices”

Tracker Network: This field allows you to narrow your search based on where your fans are coming from. For example, this field will let you choose between fans that may have clicked on an ad from Facebook, vs those who have clicked on an ad from X or Instagram or even a browser push notification.


Tracker Key: Use this field to narrow your search down to a specific tracker. You can find all “tracker keys” in the “Tracker” section under Know Your Fans. Click on “Landing Page Tracker” to view all existing trackers. Your tracker key is the last 4 digits of your short URL. Alternatively, you can view the tracker key by clicking on the edit button of any tracker.


Tracker Group: Use this field to narrow down your search to a group of trackers. You can find “tracker groups” in the “Tracker” section under Know Your Fans. Click on “Landing Page Tracker” to view all existing trackers. You will be able to see the associated group name labelled on each tracker:



For more information on trackers, check out this guide here. 


These search parameters are tied to fan purchases and registrations for your events.

What’s Regular Expression?

The first thing you will see within the purchases search page is the line, “search for fans based on their purchasing behaviour using Regular Expression.” Regular expression is a “string” of text that allows you to create patterns to match, locate & manage text. In short, it’s a way to search using special characters, that will bring back better search results for you. The most common regular expression commands are listed as follows:




Pro-Tip: You do NOT have to use Regular Expressions to search, but it is a fantastic tool to use for better search queries.

Negate Query:
This toggle allows you to use the search parameters to exclude specific purchasing conditions.
Example Use-Case: If you want to look at all the fans in a specific fan journey that are NOT jumping to the next purchasing step, you can toggle on “Negate Query” for the fans that did follow your expected journey. Note: Must fill out conditions in order to use this toggle (i.e. purchased within, event name etc)

Cancelled or Refunded Tickets Only:
This toggle allows you to search only for cancelled or refunded tickets. Note: Must fill out conditions in order to use this toggle (i.e. purchased within, artist name, event name, venue name etc).

Purchased Within:
This field allows you to narrow your search to target fans that have purchased any of your products within the period set.

Purchased In Last:
This field allows you to narrow your search to target fans that have purchased within “X” number of days. For example, if you want to view all fans that have made purchases in the last month, you would input “Purchased in the last 30 days”

Event Within:
This field allows you to narrow your search to target fans that have purchased tickets to an event within the period you have set.

Pro Tip: For the following fields, you can search all of your event names, venue names, idol names, price codes, and sources within Data Cube Cleanup. 

Event Name: This field allows you to narrow “fan search by purchase” using the event name.

Venue Name: This field allows you to narrow “fan search by purchase” using the venue name.

Artist Name: This field allows you to narrow down your search to see “fan purchase by artist” using the artist name. Artist Name is most often tied to your “Idols” so to search all existing names, go to Sales> Cleanup> Idols.

Price Code: This field allows you to narrow “fan search by purchase” using price code.

Source: This field allows you to narrow “fan search by purchase” using the source of your purchasing information.

Ticket Category: This field allows you to narrow “Fan search by purchase” by ticket category.

Min Quantity: This field allow you to narrow fan search by purchase using a “minimum #of tickets/merch sold” to them. For example, if you input “5” you would be searching for fans that bought at least 5 tickets/merchandise during your set period of time.

Max Quantity: This field allows you to narrow fan search by purchase using a “maximum # of tickets/merch sold” to them. For example, if you input “2” you would be searching for fans that bought at most 2 tickets/pieces of merch during your set time period.

Sales Count Min: Sales count is the number of transactions a fan has made, NOT the quantity sold. This field allows you to narrow fan search by purchase using a “minimum number of sales”. Therefore if you input 10, you would be searching for fans that made at least 10 separate transactions during your set period of time.

Sales Count Max: This field allows you to narrow fan search by purchase using a “maximum number of sales”. Therefore if you input 1, you would be searching for fans that made no more than 1 transaction during your set time period.

Purchase Price Definition:

Purchase Price is the dollar amount(CAD) that a fan has spent on a single ticket or item of merchandise.

Purchase Min Price: This field allows you to narrow fan search by purchase by the minimum amount of money they have spent on one of your products.

Example Use Case: Let’s say that you’re promoting a more premium music festival, and want to target fans that have a tendency to purchase high-value items. You can input “400” as your minimum purchase price to search for fans that have spent $400 or more on one of your products.

Purchase Max Price: This field allows you to narrow fan search by purchase using the maximum amount of money they have spent on one of your products.

Sales Amount Definition: Sales amount is the total dollar amount that the fan has paid across all purchases within the selected time period.

Sales Amount Min: This field allows you to narrow fan search by purchase using the minimum amount a fan has paid across all of their purchases.

Sales Amount Max This field allows you to narrow fan search by purchase using the maximum amount a fan has paid across all of their purchase.


For more information on fan purchases, check out this guide here. 


These search parameters are tied to fan registrations for your events.

Registered Within: This field allows you to narrow your search to target fans that have registered for any of your events within a set period of time.

Event Within: This field allows you to narrow your search to target fans that have registered for an event that will take place within a specific period of time

For the following fields, you can search all of your event names, venue names, idol names, price codes, and sources within Data Cube Cleanup.


These search parameters are tied to your own custom queries. These queries will allow you to make your audience filters more specific.

Custom Query: This is your way to search for your data. Underneath this field you will see a list of fields, all your “global custom fields” and the regular logical conditions you can use in your query.
When you input a query into the customquery field, all values must be single words only (substitue spaces with an underscore “”).

Custom queries are excellent for searching for fans that have given specific answers to some of your custom fields, or alternatively for finding fans that have checked a custom checkbox in one of your campaigns.

For example: Let’s say that you have just run a campaign asking fans how they’d like to contribute to a local community initiative. One of your custom fields within the campaign was “fanaction,” which asked the question, “how would you like to contribute to X’s community center?” You can then use custom queries to search “fanaction = donate” to send specific, follow-up communication to your fans.


Email Batch: Search for fans that were recipients of a particular batch email campaign that you ran

Email Rule: Search for fans that fall under a rule such as behaviour or activity that you created for your email audiences

Converted from Email Message: Search for fans that made a purchase that was attributed to an email campaign

SMS Campaign: Search for fans that participated in a selected SMS Campaign

Send Date: Search by SMS campaign send dates


If you have more questions about using Fan CRM Search, please reach out to your Customer Success team or contact support@tradablebits.com