How Do I Create and Manage Snapshots?

Here's a quick guide to get you familiar with how and when to use the Snapshots section of the platform.

Snapshots can be used to compare the same filter but at two different time periods, or to analyze the overlap between different filters at the same time. They are an excellent way to provide value to a sponsor by showing fan data before your event or contest and then compare it to a snapshot from after your event or contest.

Head to FanCRM>Search to get started. 

  1. Go into the Search section of Fan CRM and filter your fans based on the criteria that you would list to segment them on. To make this process easier, you can also create this as a specific filter. 

  2. Once you've clicked to search for fans with your conditions, click the Snapshot button. This will save the stats on that filter for that moment in time.

  3. Create another segment or select the pre-built filter at a later date and create another Snapshot by clicking the Snapshot button again.

  4. To compare the two Snapshots, go into the Filters section of Fan CRM.

  5. Select the Snapshot that you would like to analyze and click the "Add" button.

  6. This will bring up a snapshot of the number of fans in that particular filter and title the same as "A"

  7. Select the dropdown again to add another filter to the snapshot. Once done, an estimation of the overlap will be displayed.

  8. Use the Formula field to compute the count of fans that either:-
    - In both filters
    - In one filter but not the other
    - In either filter
    - Other combinations, if you add more than two filters.

Click on the blue tooltip icon next to Formula to see the following visual representation:


For example, to calculate the number of fans that are in Snapshot B but not in Snapshot A, the formula would be "A-B", and the Result field will populate the appropriate number of fans.



Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact for any further questions!