How do I create a new Idol?

This article outlines how to create a new Idol in your Tradable Bits Fan CRM.

Ever wonder how many of your fans follow another page, competitor, celebrity or artist? There's no need to wonder if you set up an Idols list. Anytime someone participates in your campaign, our platform will cross-reference their interests with your Idols list. If they follow someone from your Idols list, our system makes a note in their Fan CRM profile.

Take advantage of this to uncover partnership/influencer opportunities, keep an eye on the competition or create segmented audiences for social advertising. For instance, if Justin Bieber was on your Idols list, and many of your fans followed him, you could create an audience of Justin Beiber fans to target.


Follow these steps to set up a new Idol:

1) From your Manage Centre go to Fan CRM

2) Scroll to the "Idols" section and select "Idols" from the menu

3) Click on the "Idol" button in the bottom left.


4) Click "New Idol" button at the top of the Idol Dashboard.


5) Enter your desired Idol's name and hit "Lookup" and it will pull a Facebook page and Spotify ID associated with this Idol name.



6) Hit Save, and successfully populated artists will be listed in the Dashboard list below



7) Click on your Idol Name to view their complete Idol profile 


5) You can also create a unique label for each of your Idols, which will tag fans in Fan CRM that are connected with that Idol. This is not a necessary step though, as you can see which Idols fans are connected with if you go into their individual Fan CRM profiles.


Still have questions? Please reach out to your Customer Success Team.