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  2. Getting started

Can I use different fonts in my campaigns?

This guide will walk you through how to add custom fonts to your campaigns for a branded look.

What you need:

  • Font files. You will need to upload your fonts to the Tradable Bits backend. To upload these fonts you must already have the correct licensing to use each font you upload.

1. How to upload fonts:

Head to your Manage Centre to begin. You can upload fonts to your specific business, which you can then choose from a drop-down when creating your campaigns (or attach to a preset theme you automatically apply to all campaigns in that business).

To upload your fonts to your business:

  1. Go to your desired business

  2. Click on Business Settings > Custom Fonts

  3. Click on the Upload Custom Font button and then choose your font file

  4. Give your font a name that is easy for you to recall

  5. The first font you upload will automatically be set as your default font across campaigns

  6. Repeat steps 1-4 until you have uploaded all of your desired fonts

2. How to set different default fonts for different presets:

Set it as your desired font in a preset you create for your business. Learn how to create a Theme Preset here.

3. How to add additional uploaded fonts to different font-styles in your campaigns:

  1. Go to your desired business

  2. Click on Business Settings > Custom Fonts

  3. Click on the little "i" icon beside your font. This icon will give you all the information you need to apply that font to a different font style using CSS in your campaign styling


4. Copy and paste all of the information in the information tool-tip and save it to apply in your campaign

5. Go to the campaign you want to use multiple font styles in. Return to your campaign set up, click on the Design Tab > Custom CSS/JS

6. In the custom CSS section, paste the first part of the information tool-tip (i.e. the @font-face piece)

7. Then, find the element you'd like to apply the font to (for example any H2) and add in the second part of what you've copied in. (i.e. the {font-family:'x'} )


8. Click Save

9. Check whether your font has been applied correctly by clicking on the "eye" icon and previewing your campaign


There you have it! If you have more questions about custom fonts, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact support@tradablebits.com