This quick guide will give an overview of the Tradable Bits Fan Points system.
Encourage your fans to participate more by awarding points, and rewarding winners. The Fan Points section of the platform allows you to create different point categories and track the progress that fans have made across different categories.
Manage and create point categories by visiting the Fan Points section under FanCRM. To navigate to the section, go to your FanCRM in your Manage Centre, select Setup> Fan Points
Creating Point Categories
To create a new point category, follow the steps outlined below:-
- Click on New Point Category if the section for isn't already visible
- Enter the name of the category that you would like to create in the Category Name field
- Click Save Setup once done
Managing Point Categories
The top of the page outline some quick stats related to Fan Points. The stats displayed are: -
- Points Categories - The number of Point Categories created
- Points Awarded - The number of points that have been awarded to fans overall
- Points Awarded in Last Week - The number of points that have been awarded to fans in the last week
In addition to those stats, you can also view a leaderboard that highlights the fans that have been awarded the most number of points across categories. To filter the results, you can choose a specific point category to highlight or the period that you would like to view results for.
The point categories that have been created are listed at the bottom of the page, and can be modified by expanding the corresponding category. They can also be deleted by clicking on the trash icon next to the respective categories.
If you have any further questions please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact