learn how to create a smart tag from a filter
Tags with Smart Filters are useful for creating a specific set of conditions that automatically and dynamically tags any Fan that meets the criteria.
You can use these to automatically collect fans under a single tag to push to your brand's email endpoint.
Go into Fan CRM > Search, to create a Filter
Use the search criteria on the right hand menu to create a set of conditions for the audience you want.
- Click the Search or Estimate Fan Count button to see if this number matches what you've seen and double check the audience members to confirm.
- Click Save Filter, and give your new filter a name! (We recommend coming up with a clear and short naming convention for your filters)
Now that your filter is created, we need to set up a tag. Go into FanCRM > Setup > Tags
Click on New Tag in the upper right corner and then create a new tag name (all lowercase and no spaces). DON'T SAVE IT YET!
- Make sure to select the smart filter that you created from the dropdown menu, and then save the tag
You can now select that smart filter tag for your email endpoint list!
For further inquiries please contact your Customer Success Team.