How do I verify my email domain?

This quick guide will walk you through getting your email domain verified with Tradable Bits.

Getting your domain verified is a best practice to keep your marketing messages branded so that your audience can easily recognize you. Plus, this increases the likelihood that your messages will get where they need to be and not caught up in spam filters. 


When sending automated emails in Tradable Bits, the default email alias is If you wish to change this to be sent from your own domain, you will need to complete the steps below to have your domain verified. 

Before you begin, you will need access to your DNS settings. 

1. Contact your Customer Success Manager to begin the process. They will provide you with the follow info that you will need to work with your DNS service provider to complete: 

  • Add your new CNAME records (provided by Tradable Bits)
  • Adjust your domain TXT SPF + DMARC record to update to the values provided (Provided by Tradable Bits)

2. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to let them know when this is completed on your side so we can verify with our development team that it's working correctly on our side.

3.  You will receive an email to this email address  that will contain a link in it to verify that you do in fact own that domain. Forward this verification email to your Customer Success Manager to action as needed. 


That's it! If you have any further questions please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact