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  2. Engagement Campaigns

How do I set up a Spin to Win campaign?

The following guide will walk you through how to set up your first “Spin to Win” Campaign.


Spin to Win is a prizing campaign that’s a great way to draw fans into your database.


Lead Gen + Fan Engagement: A chance to win a prize is a chance to win a fan.

Depending on the prizing on your wheel, Spin to Win can serve as a great way to incentivize fans to enter their details. And, there are many ways you can leverage this incentive to your advantage including:

  1. Asking more detailed prospecting questions
  2. Requiring fans to authenticate through Spotify to gather affinity data
  3. Getting fans to visit your properties in person to collect their prizing
  4. Asking fans to come back daily for the chance to win a prize (staying top of their mind)


Commercial Partnership Fulfillment: Spin to Win is also uniquely positioned to be a great sponsorship campaign. Include your sponsor in the branding of the campaign, and have them cover the major prize. It’s a “Twofer” - fan engagement + sponsorship fulfillment wrapped up into one fun campaign. 



You can find Spin to Win in the “Engage Audience” section. Go to Campaigns > New Campaign> Survey. 


1. General Set-Up 

As with all campaigns, set up the following:

  • Campaign Name + Meta Title
  • Start & End Time
  • Authentication (entry limits per day, and any social login)
  • Lead Qualifying Questions (your entry form where you can ask custom questions + opt-ins)
  • Share Settings
  • Contest Legal Terms and Conditions


2. Campaign Content

This section is where you can upload your Spinwheel Background. Here are our best practices for your spin wheel creative:

  1. The first segment of your spin wheel prizing should start at 12, and the number of segments on your spin wheel should match the number of prize options you set in the “Entries Tab”
  2. We recommend going with a minimum of 4 prizes, and 4 sections on your wheel. 8-10 is the sweet spot.
  3. When you’re testing the campaign, worry not - the spin wheel line overlays can be removed with CSS if you don’t want them there.
  4. As for prizing, we recommend having one major prize to draw people in, and a number of middle-tier prizes that influence fans to spend (i.e. 25% off a brand, merch or product range)
  5. The key to a great spin wheel is keeping it simple, but upbeat! In our opinion, leaning into the kitschiness of a “spinning wheel” campaign is a great way to keep it fun for fans

Best Practice Example Spinwheels:

Secret Sounds Spin to Win: 

This Spin to Win Campaign is bright, clear and perfectly branded to draw a fan in. 

What works well:

  • The 10 sections on the spinning wheel are within that sweet spot of prizing
  • The prizes are simple and easy to read
  • Each prize showcases a great incentive for fans to enter, with one “major prize” to draw more entries
Secret Sounds - Summer Sounds Festival Spin to Win


Carlton FC Spin to Win: 

This Spin to Win Campaign is perfectly branded and integrates sponsor prizing:

  • The 8 sections in the spinning wheel are within that sweet spot of prizing
  • The graphics included on the Spin-to-Win bring a great design element while keeping it light and fun
  • Great branding by the team with their logo center-stage
  • One major prize as a call to action
  • Symmetry on the wheel between the “free shipping,” “better luck next times” and discounts off of merchandise

Carlton FC - Spin to Win

3. Entries 

Once you have filled out your share settings, access restrictions and miscellaneous sections, you can move to the Entries section to set up your prizing. 

Order of Entries: 

To match your prizes up correctly with your spinning wheel, start at 12 o’clock for your first prize, and then move clockwise around your wheel, adding entries as you go. 

Win %: 

Here you set the probability of winning each prize. The total with all prizes should add up to 100% 

Please Note: Spin to Win works on a dice style probability. This means that each fan has the same chance of winning, no matter how many fans have entered before or after them. With this in mind, make sure that your odds are in alignment with the number of prizes and the duration of the campaign.

For example: 

Let’s say that you’re running a week-long campaign. You first set the odds for each individual prize in your spinning wheel - which is the probability out of 100% that each individual user will land on that prize. 

Then, you look at your prizing stock. You see that you have 20 units of each prize to give out. The way probability of winning in this campaign works is as follows:

If the odds of winning are set to 5%, every time I spin, I have a 5% chance of winning X, and the next user who plays after me also has a 5% chance of winning X and so on (as long as there are still prizes available in the pool). Once all of X’s prizes have been given out, X now has a 0% chance of being won. So, if you have a small pool of prizes to give, consider running a shorter campaign to keep it interesting (and winnable) for fans. 


Image, Title, Description: 

This is what appears for fans once their spinner lands on a prize. If you don’t want a prize image to appear, you can leave the image section blank, and fans will only see the title and description. The description is also optional but is useful for informing fans about how to claim their prize. 


CRM Tag : 

Using this section, you can tag your fans based on the prize that they won. To tag your lower-tier prizes, you will need to first set up your CRM tag in the FanCRM section of the platform. Once you do, the option will appear on the drop-down for you


Win Daily Limit + Overall Win Limit: 

If you have a limited number of prizes you want to give out, this is where you set your limits.  We recommend adding in prize codes for more limited prizes, so you can see exactly which prize has been won, by who. 


Prize Redemption Code: 

Use this section to create multi-use or single-use codes for fans to use when they win their prizes. For example, you can add codes that match up to a discount code you are offering on your online merch store. Add each code in on a separate line. 


Finesse Your Campaign: 

In the design tab of your campaign, go to localize language to change “opt-in” language, and other copy throughout your campaign (buttons, etc). 


Publish your Campaign: 

Go to the “Publish” tab and choose how you want to display your campaign



This section updates in real-time.



Use this section to keep track of entries, views, opt-ins and the number of new fans you are gaining access to. You can also see the top locations and highest traffic days over the course of your campaign



This is where you can see which users have won, and what they have won in real-time. To view, click “successful claims”.

At any point in the campaign, you can also export your campaign data in a CSV file for visibility to your larger team.



You’re all set, let the spinning begin! 

If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success team, or send a message to support@tradablebits.com