The following guide will walk you through how to set up your first Delayed Win Campaign.
- What is Delayed Win?
- When should you use Delayed Win?
- How to configure your first Delayed Win campaign.
What is Delayed Win?
Delayed Win is a transactional campaign, where fans participate to win small prizes daily and to win a large sweepstakes. It’s similar to our Instant Win campaign, with 3 main caveats:
- Delayed Win uses interval-based prizing logic instead of our regular probability-based prizing logic (read more below).
- Delayed Win introduces a delay before prizing is awarded. This gives you time to retract prizing to suspicious users before they’re awarded their final prize code.
- Delayed Win lets you configure a secondary sweepstakes that fans earn entries to. It is meant to be a longer-running campaign, where fans enter for the chance to win a large prize, but can win smaller prizes if they come back day after day to participate.
This is what the fan-facing flow looks like for delayed win:
- The fan enters the Delayed Win contest
- they either win a prize (or lose) but are notified that the prize isn’t confirmed
- they are prompted to do additional actions to get more entries for a larger sweepstakes
- they wait
- they get an email with their prize code after a delay
Delayed Win Features:
Interval-based prizing logic
Unlike our other “instant prizing” campaigns, Delayed Win distributes prizes based on prizing inventory and intervals of time. This makes it easier to stretch your prizing pool out for longer (so fans are less likely to enter a campaign where all prizing has been awarded in the first few hours). It also makes it difficult for fans to “game” prize wins. This is how interval-based prizing works:
- You establish an “active period” for prizes (i.e. the time period where prizing can be awarded)
- You define the number of prizes you have available to win overall and their daily win limits.
These two combined help define interval size calculations that distribute prizes to “win periods” and “lose periods” for fans.
Here’s an example:
You have the following inventory of prizes:
You have decided that fans can win prizes between 5 pm to 9 pm.
The distribution of these daily prizes will then be split up into intervals of win or lose periods between 5 pm and 9 am.
Prizes in the “win” periods are awarded to the first fan that submits in that interval, and by default, there is only one win per interval - meaning that anyone else who submits in that interval will not win.
If no fans submit during a win interval (meaning that the prize was not awarded), the prize will roll over to the next interval, and so on.
Here’s what the prizing situation could look like:
Scenario A:
- Ricky is the first fan to enter the campaign during a prizing period at 5:31pm. Ricky is awarded the prize.
- Lisa enters the campaign at 5:32 and does not win a prize.
- Any other fan that enters before the next interval (5:35) does not win.
Scenario B:
- No fans enter the campaign during a win period
- The prize from this interval rolls over to the next win period of, increasing this interval’s prize availability to two.
- Timmy enters the campaign at 5:45, and is awarded a prize.
- Wanda enters the campaign at 5:47 and is awarded a prize.
- Cosmo enters the campaign at 5:48 and is not awarded a prize.
Delayed Prizing
You can choose a delay period to remove suspicious winners before formally awarding them a prize. This delay period can be configured to be anything from 1 minute to days and starts as soon as a fan enters the campaign.
To set your delayed period, go to Configuration > Delayed Prize Email Configuration > Delay Period (Hours)
Automated Email
Because fans aren’t awarded prizing instantaneously, Delayed Win lets you configure a transactional email that will send to all winners once the delay period has lapsed. This email includes the prizing code fans can use to claim their prize.
Secondary Sweepstakes
In addition to the daily prizes, Delayed Win also supports a secondary sweepstakes that fans can earn more entries into. This secondary sweepstakes is intended to be for a larger prize (i.e. a grand prize), and can be used as an incentive to get fans coming back day after day.
How “entries” are awarded to the secondary sweepstakes:
- Entry into the Delayed Win Campaign. Every day that a fan enters the delayed win campaign, they earn 1 entry into the sweepstakes. So if your Delayed Win contest is running for 2 weeks, the fans that come back every day will have a higher probability of winning the sweepstakes than a fan who only participates once or twice.
- Bonus actions: You can configure a number of different “bonus actions” and what they’re worth in the General Setup > Sweepstakes section of the campaign. These bonus actions include:
- Watching a Youtube Video
- Clicking on a desired link
- Opting in
Suspicious Flag on Winners
If a fan uses multiple different emails to enter the campaign on the same browser tab to try and win, they’ll get flagged in the winners section with a little yellow flag. This will make it easier for you to visually see what groups of fans might be trying to ‘game’ the campaign in order to win, and you can remove them before they’re formally awarded a prize.
Here’s where you look at all winners, and can decide to remove suspicious winners:
When should you use Delayed Win?
Use Delayed Win when you:
- Have access to a pool of prizing
- Want to drive sustained engagement (i.e over a period of a couple weeks)
- Have a larger sweepstakes you’d like to tie in
- Want to drive fans to secondary actions (and award fans for doing so)
- Want to monitor who wins a prize with the ability to veto suspicious users
- Can integrate a sponsor (not necessarily, but always a plus)
For example: If you’re a festival, and you have a grand prize of “2 VIP Tickets + Hotel & Travel” - you can use Delayed Win to build anticipation for this grand prize, while rewarding fans with smaller prizes (to keep them coming back) in between. See this use-case by Destroy All Lines. While they didn’t use the Delayed Win campaign (not yet available), it’s a great example of a marketing initiative that could use Delayed Win to tie it all together.
How to configure your first Delayed Win campaign:
Delayed Win follows the same format as all Tradable Bits campaigns with a “Setup” section and a “Design” section. Follow the sidebar from top to bottom, and view the design guideline for additional information on image sizing recommendations.
Before you start
Before you start building out your campaign, having a clear understanding of these questions will help you set up the campaign more swiftly:
- Prize pool: what prizes you have, what quantity, and how many you want to give out daily.
- Win limits: do you want to award fans the possibility of winning endless prizes? Or do you want to limit them to one win a day, or 2 wins across the lifetime of your campaign?
- Daily active period: what time period do you want fans to be active in your campaign?
- Secondary Sweepstakes: what big prize do you have? You’ll want to make this clear on the campaign landing page.
- Bonus actions: what do you want fans to do in exchange for more entries? Drive them to a sponsor website? Make them watch a promotional video on YouTube? Get them to opt in to hear more from you?
1. Decide if you want to add a waitroom
The TBits Waitroom is a feature you can use if you’re expecting a huge influx of visitors to your campaign to prevent it from crashing. Toggle it on under Configuration if you expect more than 20K entries within a few minutes.
2. Choose your Daily Active Period
The Daily Active Period establishes when prizing can be awarded. Outside of this period, no prizes can be won. The Daily Active Period is part of what determines interval size calculations that distribute prizes to “win periods” and “lose periods” for fans.
For example, if you want fans only to win prizes after a typical 9-5 workday, you can set the Daily Active Period to 5 pm - 9 pm.
Set this up under Configuration.
3. Set the format in which fans will receive their prize code
All winning fans will receive an email with their prize code that they can redeem for their prize. You can include a QR Code or a Data Matrix that they can use to redeem their prize in addition to the alphanumeric code they will get.
4. Set Daily Win Limits
Toggle this on to set the maximum times a fan can win each day. (i.e a fan can only win one prize a day)
5. Set Total Win Limits
Toggle this on to set the maximum times a fan can win during the lifetime of the campaign (i.e. a fan can win 4 times throughout the entire campaign)
6. Configure the "Lose" Scenario
This is where you can set up an image and description for fans that aren’t awarded prizing.
After Configuration, head to the Messaging tab to set up how you'll be in touch with your fans that entered.
Configure the automated email that is sent to all winners after a delay
Use this section to set up the transactional email that will send to all winners after your set delay period. This email will confirm the fan’s win, and give them access to a code they can use to redeem their prize. Here are the important sections, and how to configure them.
Delay Period (Hours): The delay period is how long you wait after a fan has entered your campaign to award them a prize. This delay period is where you can go into results > winners and review your list of winners. By default, any fan on the winners list that isn’t removed is automatically confirmed as a winner after this delay period.
You can set your delay to anything above 0 to infinity.
If you plan on reviewing wins before they are confirmed, lean on the side of a longer delay period (i.e. 48 - 72 hours). If you want immediate confirmation of a win without any review, you can set your delay to as low as 1 minute.
From Email: By default the from email is unless you have an extended email plan with Tradable Bits.
From Name: You can set this email to whatever you desire. This is the email that will be visible in your fans’ inbox as the sender.
Subject Line: This is the subject line that will be visible in your fans’ inbox. We recommend keeping it short, sweet and to the point.
Email CTA: All emails sent on the back of winning a prize include a CTA. This CTA leads fans to their code, which they can use to redeem their prize.
Email Header Image: All emails sent on the back of winning a prize include two images:
Header Image - this image appears at the top of the email before any body copy
Prize Win Image - this image appears right below your header image -
Email Body: Use the email body section to include any additional copy you want to send to fans to add context to how, where and when to redeem their prize. The email sent on the back of the Delayed Win is prize agnostic - meaning that it is sent to all prize winners.
Delayed Win Content
Now that you have all of your settings configured for the Delayed Win campaign, you can start adding prizes and prize codes to your campaign.
For each prize you can configure the following details:
1. Title: Mandatory. This gives your fans context about what they’ve won
2. Image: Make that prize look like … a prize! Here is where you can add a striking graphic of what they’ve won, your fans can get excited.
3. Prize Description: This section is where you can add details to give your fans context about when (and how) they’ll receive access to their prize. For example, “Once your win is confirmed, your prize code will be emailed to you within 72 hours.” You can also add links, etc to this section to give your fans things to do in the meantime!
4. CRM Tag: Tag all of your winners of a specific prize with a CRM tag so that you can easily find and report on them later.
5. Deal URL: This URL will attach to your prize image, so that when fans click on that image, they’re redirected to your desired page.
6. Daily Win Limit: You’ve already set limits on fans and how often they can win a prize. This is where you set limits on how many units of this prize you want to give away each day.
7. Lifetime Win Limit: This is your total inventory of a prize (all units you have available). This, coupled with the Daily Win Limit you set will help define interval size calculations that distribute prizes to “win periods” and “lose periods” for fans.
8. Prize Redemption Codes: These are the codes that will be included in confirmation emails that distribute fans’ prizes. You can input multi use codes or single use codes.
- Auto-Generate Codes: If you’re not connecting your prize redemptions to an external inventory system, you can use the “Auto Generate” function where our system will generate randomized codes for you. To use Auto Generate, simply define how many codes you need, and click Generate.
And that’s it for campaign specific setup! Once you’re finished adding your prizes, move down the Setup tab to complete configuring share settings, access restrictions or any other campaign setup (virtual domain, pixels, etc) that you would do for any campaign. Then move to the design tab!
If you have any further questions please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact