Here's a quick guide on how to effectively use the Venue Cleanup tool in Sales section.
This is where you go to cleanse any duplicate or inaccurate venue names and ensure that you can match purchases to the proper venue. You can also use this section to create new venue names
Pro Tip: Clean up your venues regularly to ensure that the most up-to-date venue names match your current & historical data (be hyper-aware of venues changing their names). Many areas of the Tradable Bits Platform (from FanCRM to Automated Ads) use the venue_name field for reporting and targeting.
Venue Cleanup Components
There are 3 components to Venue Cleanup:
Existing “Matched” Venues: These are venues created from your third-party ticketing integrations, that are properly matched to purchases. This means that you can pull purchasing fields associated with these venues.
Existing “Unmatched” Venues: These are venues created from your third-party ticketing integrations that are NOT properly matched to purchases. Essentially this means that while the Tradable Bits Platform is pulling purchasing information from your third-party integration, it is unable to match these purchases to a verified venue.
New Venues: Venues that you create to maintain data cleanliness. For example, let’s say that a venue has had a name change, and you want all purchases to reflect the new name. You would create a new venue and then match your historical venue name to this new, updated name.
Section 1: Existing "Matched" Venues
“Matched” or “Cleaned” Venues have the following properties:
Source: Where your venue data is getting pulled from. If you’re working with third-party integrations, the source will be the venue names that are provided by the ticketing companies. The source can be one or more venues.
- For example, : If Ticketmaster Labels one Venue “Alix Goolden Performance Hall” and FrontGate labels it “Alix Goolden” you know that they are referring to the same venue. So, under source for your Venue name, you would add both “Alix Goolden Performance Hall” and “Alix Goolden”
Venue Name: This is the name that you want all “cleaned purchases’ to use as their venue name.
- Carrying on from the above example, let's say you want to use “Alix Goolden Hall” as your venue name within the Tradable Bits platform for ALL purchases (past and present). To do this, you would map “Alix Goolden Performance Hall” & “Alix Goolden” to your venue name "Alix Goolden Hall"
Display Name: This is the venue name that automated ads will use as a token if you use tokens in your ad copy
Venue Type: You can list a description here of what the venue is used for. For example, you can label it “Small Venue” which may mean that it seats 50-200 people, or you can label it ‘merchandise store” to recognize that your merch purchases are tied to a specific store
Location: This is the location of the venue (Province, Metro Area, City).
How to edit a matched venue:
Simply click on the pencil icon.
To delete a matched venue, click on the trash bin icon.
Note: Deleting a Venue will erase all associated data. Make sure that your historical data tied to this venue has already been mapped to a new venue before you confirm deletion.
Section 2: Existing “Unmatched” Venues:
To view all of your “unmatched venues” click the down arrow on the “unmatched venues” section. This will load the first 10 venues from your purchasing data that do not match a proper venue on the page.
How to “clean’ your unmatched venues & ensure they’re properly mapped within Tradable Bits:
There are two ways for you to clean your unmatched venues:
- Select an existing venue to “Match to” in the dropdown menu: Choose the venue you want to match to from a dropdown list of your existing venues
2.Create a New Venue to funnel these purchases to
Section 3: New Venues
To create a new venue, click on the “+Venue” button in the upper right corner. You will be prompted to fill in the same properties that you’ve seen within existing ‘matched’ venues:
Source: Input all sources that you want to match to. This can include the source names of “unmatched” venues, or existing “matched venues” that you want to funnel purchases to.
Venue Name
Display Name
Venue Type: You can list a description here of what the venue is used for. For example, you can label it “Small Venue” which may mean that it seats 50-200 people, or you can label it ‘merchandise store” to recognize that your merch purchases are tied to a specific store
Venue Location: Drill down on Province, Metro Area and City of your Venue.
Once you have all of your properties filled out, to add the venue rule, click “Save”. Once you do, all purchasing information tied to your sources will funnel into this new venue.