Can I retroactively tag fans?

Here's a quick guide to help you retroactively tag fans for proper segmentation in the FanCRM.

Before we discuss how to retroactively tag fans, let's talk about why you should care about tagging fans.

Let's start at the beginning... when a fan enters one of your campaigns or makes a purchase for one of your events, the Tradable Bits' Fan CRM creates a unique profile for that fan. Each time they participate, their activity and results are recorded in their profile. We use tags to record their information.

Tags are a powerful tool for segmenting your fans & customers into audiences for future retargeting. Essentially, they're a very efficient "sticky note" that helps you keep track of what your fans are doing, so you can understand their habits, motivations and interests. Unfortunately, tags are often forgotten or overlooked - and ultimately they're only useful if they're used consistently & with good naming conventions.

So where does that leave you? In a good place. The Tradable Bits platform allows you to retroactively tag fans that have participated in your campaigns quite easily! Whether you've overlooked adding a special tag to that "June 2022 Sweepstakes" campaign or are overhauling your naming convention system for campaigns, you can do so in 7 simple steps. Don't risk missing out on valuable fan data!

Note: Read our guide on Tagging Best Practices for tips on how to create a naming convention for tags.

How to Retroactively Tag Fans in a Campaign

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Campaigns > Choose your Business > Click into the Campaign where you want to retroactively tag fans


2. Select Miscellaneous from the menu on the left


3. Scroll to Automatic CRM Tagging section


4. Enter a tag that is unique to this campaign (eg. summer-quiz-jul-1-22)


5. Visit the Reporting > Results section of your campaign

6. Scroll to the Retroactively Tag Fans section

7. Click Tag Fans button


People who participated in your campaign will now have the appropriate tag on their fan profile in your Fan CRM. This makes it easy for you to recall their profile when you create a segmented audience.


Still having trouble? Please reach out to your Customer Success Team or contact